Short-term Loans
FOSA Emergency Loan
- Loan repayment period of 12 months.
- Loan repaid through FOSA recovery.
- Loan is processed and disbursed within 30 minutes of application.
FOSA Prestige Loan
- Loan repayment period of 6 months.
- Loan repaid through FOSA recovery.
- Member salary has to pass through our FOSA.
- Loan is processed and disbursed within 30 minutes of application.
FOSA Ordinary Loan
- Loan repayment period is 5 months.
- Loan repaid through FOSA recovery.
- Member salary has to pass through our FOSA.
- Loan is processed and disbursed within 30 minutes of application.
Salary Advance
- Loan repayment period of 1 month.
- Loan repaid through FOSA recovery.
- Member salary has to pass through our FOSA.
- Loan is processed and disbursed within 30 minutes of application.
School Fee Loan
- Loan repayment period of 1 year.
- Loan repaid through Check off system.
- Loan is processed and disbursed within 30 minutes of application.